Best Practice

Making the most of educational apps in your classroom

Ahead of his CPD session at the Bett Show 2014 this month, Tim Handley (alongside some of his pupils) looks at how teachers can make the best use of apps and lists some of his pupils’ favourites.

It has been nearly impossible to miss the surge of “apps”, both on devices and web-based, over the past couple of years. Nearly everyone has a SmartPhone and/or tablet, and these devices have become increasingly common in schools. There are also a large number of “web apps” which can be accessed on practically any web-enabled device, including desktops and laptops. It is no surprise therefore that an increasing number of teachers are starting to exploit the power of apps and that children are becoming more engaged by their use.

The children we teach are “natives” to this technology. I like to think of them as the “app generation”; apps are nothing new to them and they are growing up in a world which many predict will be increasingly powered by apps. The vast majority of the children we teach will own an app-based mobile device. 

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