
BOOK REVIEW: Collaborative Learning Pocketbook

A great little book which sets out very clearly a variety of strategies to encourage collaborative learning in the classroom.

A great little book which sets out very clearly a variety of strategies to encourage collaborative learning in the classroom.

The book is divided into five chapters which lead you from understanding what collaborative learning is, through educational theory based on Vygotsky’s social interactional as a precedent to intellectual development, to activities which develop different collaborative skills.

I particularly found the chapter, Planning for Collaborative Learning very useful. Though you may be enthusiastic about small group work, not all the class may be, and this chapter helps you with ways in which to encourage the reluctant group worker. It also offers you techniques to develop intra-personal, inter-personal and active listening skills.

The strength of the book is in the author’s ability to explain the theory in a way that is easily accessible, and then present the theory in action through a short lesson study. It is a very practical book that will offer teachers an excellent source of reference for developing collaborative learning in a fun but purposeful way. Review: Karen Taylor

Collaborative Learning Pocketbook

By Gael Luzet


ISBN: 9781906610470 (