
Best Practice Focus: Every child a reader: Whole-school reading strategies

What are the most effective strategies to ensure that every child leaves primary school a fluent reader? In this Best Practice Focus, Robbie Burns dissects the science, principles and essential elements of effective whole-school reading strategies, advising how we might implement these across the primary school

This free seven-page Best Practice Focus considers the science of reading, dissecting the research and evidence-based for effective reading strategies.

We look at word recognition and language comprehension, including the Simple View and Scarborough's Reading Rope and how these apply to primary education.

Building on this science of reading, author Robbie Burns then considers six principles that transcend any particular teaching method, also offering action steps for primary schools to take. The six principles cover phonics, structures, fluency, new vocabulary, background knowledge and reading practice.

Mr Burns then considers five "essential elements" to ensure pupils' "reading journey" throughout primary school is successful, including reading for pleasure, reading aloud, reading for effective writing, reading as it links to the curriculum, school libraries and more.

Robbie Burns is a teacher and assistant vice-principal for teaching and learning at Bede Academy in Northumberland. He has written for a range of publications on primary education and curriculum.

You can download this Best Practice Focus, which was published in January 2022, in pdf format by clicking here.