
Robot-inspired writing and design challenges

Robot-based writing and design competitions aimed at key stage 1 and 2 pupils are open for entries as part of the UK Festival of Robotics.

The “Draw A Robot” challenge asks children in key stage 1 to draw a robot that they would like to see in the future.

The robot could be designed to accomplish any task or job and pupils will be able to submit a robot drawing, up to 200-word description, and five key features (labelled on the drawing).

The “Once Upon A Robot” writing challenge, meanwhile, asks children in key stage 2 to write an 800-word story featuring any kind of robot their imagination can conjure.

The UK Festival of Robotics takes place in June when the competition winners will be unveiled. The deadline for entries to the competition is May 23.

Prizes on offer include a MakeBlock Codey Rocky Robot, a Thames Komos Coding and Robotics Kit.