

The CUPPA Mindset Series

In 2017, Ross McWilliam (pictured, right) created the CUPPA Mindset Series, which develops self-esteem, emotional confidence and practical resilience in children aged 8 to 11.

It includes an audio narration, explainer “mindset toolkit” videos and a measurement tool to chart progress.

His second publication, The Amazing Journey of Katy Cupsworth, charts the adventures of a girl footballer who learns the six secrets of becoming a professional footballer: self-esteem, confidence, resilience, empathy, attitude and mindful mental health.

The book is aimed at both girls and boys and includes various strategies and tips for calming themselves and boosting performance.

As a freelance speaker and author, Ross has a passion for developing people and throughout his work in more than 1,000 schools, colleges and universities, Ross has changed the lives of thousands of people.