

Self-funding children’s enterprise

Healthy Tuck Shops and Stationery Shops in primary schools give children an opportunity to practise enterprise skills and to make a small profit.

The Pupils Profit Healthy Tuck Shops drive up children’s intake of their “five-a-day”, helping healthy choices to become healthy habits, and the Stationery Shop has a collection of eco-friendly products to promote greener living and recycling.

The children running the enterprises gain a sense of responsibility and achievement, and the customers love the excitement of visiting and making their selection!

Pupils Profit founder Elizabeth Gimblett said: “Enterprise is a really exciting way to learn; it brings maths to life, and develops numerous PSHE-related objectives, from confidence and team-working to understanding of career choices.”

Pupils Profit offer an affordable range of products to sell, as well as easy-to-use Enterprise Training Toolkits to help the children set up their businesses and give them a system to work to. The Healthy Tuck Shop snacks are fully within the Children’s Food Trust guidelines, and extremely popular!