Best Practice

Top 10 tips for... Brightening up your toilets

We must never neglect our school toilets and it is important that pupils feel comfortable and safe when using them. Suzanne O’Connell considers 10 tips for making your toilets a nice place to be.

1, Ask for views

It might cause some hilarity, but you want to know how your pupils feel about visiting the school toilets. There may be some who avoid it at all costs and wait until they get home. Then again, there will be others who spend far too much time visiting them – some for justifiable reasons, others not. Explore their reasons, discretely in some cases, and take suggestions from the people who use them.


2, Toilet policy

Be clear as a school how you handle requests for toilet visits during lessons. Are they allowed at all or only for younger children or in special circumstances? For some pupils, visiting the toilet is an escape from class and exploring underlying reasons for this can address the behaviour and make others more comfortable visiting them too.

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