
The Headteacher Update Podcast offers practical and useful advise, ideas and insights to support the work of primary school senior and middle leaders. Out on the first Wednesday of every month, each episode features a panel of school leaders discussing best practice relevant to the primary phase.

Listen to our latest episodes via your streaming service or by clicking below.

Headteacher Update Podcast: School food

In this episode we discuss how to deliver high-quality school food on a budget in your primary school, including quick wins for school lunches, improving free school meals take-up, breakfast clubs, food education and more.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Executive school leadership

In this episode we take a deep dive into the different roles and models of executive primary school leadership, looking at best practice and how executive leaders can best support their individual schools.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Effective teacher recruitment & retention in schools

In this episode we look at the recruitment and retention of teachers in the primary school, including how to attract the best teachers to your school and ideas and tips for how to keep hold of them.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Teaching oracy in the primary school

This episode focuses on how we can teach oracy and speaking skills in the primary school, with lots of teaching ideas as well as practical tips, tried and tested examples, and useful resources.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Managing behaviour in the primary school

In this episode three school leaders discuss effective behaviour management strategies and approaches in the primary school, with examples, ideas, and lessons learned.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Marketing your primary school

As pupil rolls begin to fall, in this episode we discuss how headteachers can 'market' their primary schools effectively – not least to prospective parents and their wider communities.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Leading change and interventions in schools

This episode looks at how schools and school leaders can lead change and make sure new approaches, interventions or improvement practices have the biggest possible impact, drawing on new evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Supporting pupil mental health and wellbeing

In this episode we discuss a range of ideas and strategies for how primary schools can support the good mental health and wellbeing of their pupils – with practical tips and examples from three different schools.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Protecting headteacher wellbeing during Ofsted inspection

In this episode we offer a range of practical strategies, tips and ideas for protecting the wellbeing of headteachers and other school staff during Ofsted inspection.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Supporting Pupil Premium and disadvantaged children

In this episode, three schools talk about their work to support Pupil Premium and disadvantaged pupils and the impact of the cost of living crisis, offering tips, advice and examples of best practice.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Effective use of teaching assistants in the primary school classroom

This episode looks at the effective deployment of our teaching assistants in the primary school classroom, offering advice for great whole-school practice as well as ideas and tips for teachers on how best to work with their TAs.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Improving teaching with instructional coaching

This episode looks at using instructional coaching as part of your school’s approach to staff CPD and improving teaching and learning, with lots of tips, advice and examples.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Supporting pupils who use English as an additional language

This episode offers practical advice and examples for how primary schools can best support the education and wider development of pupils who use English as an additional language (EAL), including refugee children.

Headteacher Update Podcast: Phonics and early reading

This episode looks at best practice for delivering phonics programmes and teaching early reading, asking what high-quality phonics teaching looks like, how we can inspire a love of reading in pupils, and what inspectors look for in this area

Headteacher Update Podcast: A school leadership survival guide

This episode offers crucial advice and lots of practical tips to help primary school headteachers – especially those new to post – to survive and thrive in the top job while maintaining their own wellbeing and work/life balance.