
Headteacher Update Podcast: Marketing your primary school

As pupil rolls begin to fall, in this episode we discuss how headteachers can 'market' their primary schools effectively – not least to prospective parents and their wider communities.
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Pupil rolls are due to fall notably in the coming years, meaning that promoting our school’s ethos, culture and educational track record will become ever more important – especially for small primary schools.

But how do we go about doing this well? We speak to two experienced headteachers of small primary schools and ask why marketing our schools is essential and get their insights, ideas, and tips.

We discuss general principles of good practice and proactive marketing work as well as some “quick wins” for schools. We talk both short-term and long-term marketing strategies, how to make tight marketing budgets stretch, and how to ensure you capture and communication clearly and effectively your school’s unique selling points and ethos.

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