About us

Headteacher Update is a magazine, website, podcast and regular ebulletin dedicated to the primary school leadership team. We tackle a wide range of leadership issues, offering best practice, case studies and in-depth information, advice and guidance.

Headteacher Update prides itself on being a positive and constructive voice for teachers and school leaders working throughout primary education across the UK.

We focus our advice and news on the latest government policies, school inspection, curriculum, teaching and learning, technology, the school workforce, the Pupil Premium, and much more. The magazine also has a regular focus on resources and products/services.

Our journalists and writers – many of whom are practising teachers and school leaders – report on a range of issues affecting primary education, including the latest policy and legislation, educational research and pedagogy, best practice, the latest resources, and any other areas of interest to professionals and practitioners. Our blogs also contain the latest comment, analysis and opinion from key educationalists, teachers, school leaders and the editorial team.

Headteacher Update magazine is distributed free as a hard copy to around 20,000 primary school headteachers.

The regular ebulletins deliver the latest education news, best practice and resources to your inbox free of charge. Everyone can register to receive these bulletins: www.headteacher-update.com/register/

And our monthly podcast offers best practice, advice and ideas across a range of issues relevant to primary school leadership. Each month, we interview two to four experts about their work, offering practical advice to senior leaders across the country: www.headteacher-update.com/podcasts/

Contact the editor, Pete Henshaw, via pete.henshaw@markallengroup.com or on Twitter @pwhenshaw. Find us on Twitter @HeadteacherNews


Headteacher Update’s sister magazine is dedicated to the secondary school teaching and leadership team and tackles a wide range of issues, focusing on best practice, pedagogy and teaching, the latest research, policy advice, inspection guidance and much more. We also have a focus on the latest news and blogs. SecEd offers an open access website, regular podcast, half-termly webinar, with free bulletin updates to your email.

Visit www.sec-ed.co.uk and find us on Twitter @SecEd_Education