Best Practice

What is going on for our learners? How do we know? Why does it matter?

The innovative Spirals of Enquiry model is an action research technique that can give us great insight into our pupils' attitudes and learning. Killian Moyles shares the experience of staff and children at Mayfield Primary School

Over the last year, Mayfield Primary School in Cambridge has been on a journey towards answering the questions posed above by devoting an entire week each term to “Spirals of Enquiry”, an enquiry-based model which is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Spirals of Enquiry was first developed and implemented in British Columbia, Canada, with the goal of narrowing the gap for the state’s aboriginal Native Canadian population (Halbert & Kaser, 2013; Kaser & Halbert, 2009).

To understand more about the educational experiences of the children from this, at times, marginalised community, researchers Dr Judy Halbert and Dr Linda Kaser began with a central core mantra: ask them.

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