Best Practice

A Cultural Education Challenge

Publish Date: Edit Date: The arts Extra curricular Teaching resources
The Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge is aimed at bringing those working in schools and the arts together to deliver effective and inspiring arts education. Laura Gander-Howe explains

We know that art and culture often forms the basis for the best experiences that children and young people share with their families: the colourful books and repeated story-telling, the visit to a welcoming library, the music and laughter, the beloved fridge paintings, visits to see dinosaurs in museums, and the excitement of a trip to the theatre.

In school, the arts light up the classroom to create an enthralling learning environment, they animate teaching and they inspire invention and creative-thinking. The arts help children and young people reach their full potential across the full range of subjects.

At the Arts Council, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to create, compose and perform their own artistic work, be it dance, or drama, literature, visual arts, or music. They should all be able to visit, experience and participate in the extraordinary artistic work of others. They should know more, understand more, and be able to critically review the cultural experiences they have had. All our children deserve a rich cultural education: but not all of them are getting it.

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