
Best Practice

An average refund of £400 – why school leaders are paying too much tax

Many teachers and school leaders are paying too much tax on their income because of incorrect tax codes. Are you being paid the right amount each month? How do you know? Headteacher Update investigates...

When you receive your monthly payslip, chances are you give a cursory check that the amount going into your bank account is as expected.

But what if it isn't correct? And not just this month, but what if it has been wrong every month going back several years and you just didn’t realise?

It seems unlikely. After all, it is up to your employer and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to ensure you have the correct tax code. Right?

Wrong. This is a common misconception which costs taxpayers millions of pounds in lost income every year, as David Malik-Davies, the business development director with The Tax Refund Company, explained.

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