Best Practice

Demonstrating Pupil Premium impact

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice Pupil Premium and disadvantage
Inclusion and Pupil Premium expert Daniel Sobel offers some incredibly simple – yet effective – steps to help you think about and demonstrate the impact that your Pupil Premium spending is having

There are a number of key issues that have arisen time again out of the Pupil Premium approach to social migration. The biggest of course is: "What shall we spend it on?" Followed by a close second: "How do we demonstrate the impact?"

The obvious short answer to the first question is: anything that addresses the need you have identified – which then opens the door to the real question: how do we fully and accurately identify the need of the student? This may of course then give us some sort of baseline to measure any progress against – and there's your demonstration of impact. Would that life were so simple, this article would end here.

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