“It’s time we all understand dyslexia properly as a different way of thinking not a disadvantage.” Sir Richard Branson
Made By Dyslexia is a global charity led by successful dyslexics. Our purpose is to help the world properly understand and support dyslexia by giving a unique and informed view of dyslexia from the perspective of dyslexic people themselves.
Working with experts, psychologists and dyslexics, we develop campaigns, films, tools, and tests to explain dyslexic thinking and to drive change.
Dyslexic minds process information in divergent, lateral ways. In fact they have created some of the world’s greatest inventions, brands, and art. But education systems aren’t designed for dyslexic thinking, and many teachers receive little or no training in how to identify and support dyslexia. This means that many dyslexics go through life without knowing they are dyslexic or understanding their brilliant potential.
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