Best Practice

Getting maths mastery right in your primary school

Publish Date: Edit Date: Literacy & English Teaching resources
Maths mastery is not a quick fix and takes time to implement and embed. Mathematics specialist teacher Chris Gallagher gives us his guide on how to introduce a whole-school mastery approach

You are keen to implement mastery in your school. You have heard of a great scheme. You give it to your staff to deliver because it is just maths right? Just about delivering curriculum to a deeper level or something?

This is one of the key mistakes that headteachers make when trying to change the maths delivery in their school.

Many schools are under pressure from impending inspections and need results to rise quickly, but unfortunately maths mastery is not a quick fix buy-in that can be ticked off with a series of INSETs. Understanding the demands on a school’s systems of changing to mastery is crucial.

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