Best Practice

Governors & trustees: Overcoming the barriers to recruitment

Governor recruitment seems to be getting tougher and tougher. Al Kingsley considers why governance is a great role, the barriers that exist to recruitment, and how we might start to overcome them
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So many amazing people in our society generously donate their time to “give something back”.

We certainly saw evidence of that at the height of the pandemic in 2020, with more than 10 million people across the UK reportedly stepping up to volunteer in roles such as working at food banks, delivering meals and medicines, making calls to combat lockdown loneliness, and generally doing what was needed to help their communities.

A clear need and a clarion call were all it took to mobilise that mass goodwill.


The search is on

However, recruiting volunteers to less visible or perceptibly urgent roles is more of a challenge and one that schools persistently experience with governor recruitment. Governors are all volunteers and their numbers have been in decline for some time now.

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