Best Practice

Inspection under the new Ofsted CIF

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
We have seen it on paper, but what does the new CIF – the Common Inspection Framework – mean in practice? Suzanne O’Connell speaks to Steve Barrand about his experiences of an Ofsted inspection in September 2015

St Jude’s Catholic Primary School in Wigan was ready for their inspection. They had already been judged satisfactory on two previous occasions and their last inspection result, in 2013, was requires improvement. They knew they had to rise out of this pattern soon and didn’t intend to leave anything to chance.

“We knew we had a good opportunity this time,” explained headteacher Steve Barrand, who was appointed in January 2012.

“The results had been improving since the last inspection so we had the external data to back us up. We were just hoping that there would be a little time to settle into the new term before they called.”

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