Best Practice

Lesson observation: No more performing for the crowds...

Inspection advice
Frustrated with the format of traditional lesson observations, deputy headteacher Lizzie Williams changed her school’s approach so that they become more about CPD than performance management.

Teachers are the most important, and costly, resource a school has. I am currently deputy head at King Solomon Academy Primary School in Westminster, an area identified in the 2013 Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index as being the most deprived of all of London’s 600 wards. 

The school serves a diverse community: no ethnic group is larger than eight per cent (including white British), we have 70 per cent with English as an additional language, 60 per cent free school meals, and 17 per cent of our pupils are “looked-after”. Needless to say, this context provides a wide range of challenges to us as educators, especially as our mission is to close the achievement gap so our pupils can access equal opportunities later in life.

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