Best Practice

Making the most of your assembly time

Whole-school issues
The primary school assembly is a golden opportunity to inspire and motivate children’s curiosity for the day ahead. Experienced headteacher Mike Kent, author of a new book of assembly ideas, offers some food for thought and a few pointers

A school assembly for primary children should be exciting and interesting – a time when children can learn, share and contribute to a valuable learning experience. Most of us, especially older teachers, remember school assemblies that bored us to tears. If we didn’t actually fall asleep, we couldn’t believe that time could stand still for so long.

When I began teaching back in the 1960s, I learned, very quickly, how an assembly shouldn’t be done. At my first school, we’d file into the hall and things would begin with a prayer. Then there was usually a telling off because a school rule had been broken, a song would be sung, and out we’d go again. It was an utterly pointless 20 minutes.

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