Best Practice

Ofsted: Going for outstanding

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
Barely a week into the new term and headteacher Jeff Brown got the Ofsted call. Here, he describes the two-day inspection and his school’s bid to go from a rating of ‘good’ to one of ‘outstanding’.

We were inspected on September 10 and 11 which was almost five years since our last full inspection in March 2010.

Although we were expecting a visit at some stage over the course of this academic year, it certainly took us by surprise how soon into the year we were seen. Our data was favourable from the previous year end, so we had naively considered that we wouldn’t be a priority for the call – how wrong we were!

Two thoughts crossed my mind as soon as the school office manager passed me the phone in a whisper to say that she thought it might be Ofsted: “Thank goodness I spent a month over the holidays updating the self-evaluation form (SEF) and School Improvement Plan,” and “What about all the year 5 and 6 pupils who are out of school on residential along with two class teachers?”

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