Best Practice

Ofsted inspection in September 2015

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
Inspection is changing again, with a new Framework due to be published this month. John Viner looks at the key changes, offers some advice for self-assessment, and some templates to help you prepare

Ofsted's consultation report on the draft inspection proposals (Better Inspection For All, Ofsted, February 2015) cited high levels of support for the proposed changes and so they are set to go ahead with little alteration. The key points to emphasise are as follows:

Ofsted has always aimed for a catchy title that summarises its latest phase of inspection. Some of us will remember David Bell's A Sharper Focus, which ended multi-day, long-notice inspections that were characteristic of the early days of Ofsted.

When the present framework was introduced in September 2012, it was called A Good Education for All, signalling the commitment of chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw to this principle. No surprise then that the new Common Inspection Framework, which will be in place from September 2015, is entitled, Better Inspection For All, a title which embraces the end of the contracts with the three regional inspection providers and signals the new determination to deliver even sharper and more closely focused inspection through directly contracted inspectors and HMI.

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