Many schools are implementing small group or one-to-one tutoring programmes as part of their Covid recovery work. This article asks tutors at the Kemnal Academies Trust for their dos and don’ts of effective tutoring provision

As the Covid-19 pandemic struck, The Kemnal Academies Trust – which has 45 primary and secondary schools across the South and East of England – initiated A Champion for Every Child (ACE).

The programme provides Pupil Premium children with personalised one-to-one support to help them progress in terms of academic outcomes but most vitally their social and emotional development.

TKAT says that the results have been transformational. So much so, that the programme is being maintained and expanded. During the current academic year all 45 of the trust’s schools are running pilots with 20 per cent of their Pupil Premium children and by September 2022 5,500 pupils and 275 tutors will be involved.

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