Best Practice

Oracy: Improving your pupils talking skills

Jonothan Wright offers advice on a range of approaches schools can take to develop pupils’ language, speech and communication skills

Recently established from the merging of three pre-existing schools, Northwood Primary School in Kirkby has focused on developing pupils’ language and communication skills.

Sarah Murphy, deputy headteacher, describes some of the effects of this focus as resulting in:

Northwood Primary recognised the need to prioritise its pupils’ language and communication skills. The school is two-form entry with a designated special provision catering for children with a wide variety of SEN, including SLCN.

Nearly a fifth of the pupils have severe SEN, which is very high compared to the national average. With the knowledge that children from the poorest fifth of homes are on average 19 months behind children from the richest homes in their use of vocabulary by the age of five (1), the high number of pupils attracting Pupil Premium funding makes children’s poor language levels even more of an issue in the school.

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