Best Practice

Pupils’ anxieties: Name it to tame it

Headteacher Ben Travitzky on why a ‘name it to tame it’ approach is helping to support children’s wellbeing at his school

Baltonsborough Primary may be in a rural Somerset village, just four miles from Glastonbury, but our pupils, staff and families have had to endure the same challenges that have become familiar to the rest of the country since the pandemic began.

The struggles faced by our children have been particularly worrying. As the children returned to school after the last lockdown, we could see that many of them had developed anxieties about their friendships moving on. They were always checking on relationships and continually asking “are my friends still my friends?”.

They were also unsure about what their teachers expected of their learning. This combination of factors, plus the stress and uncertainty created by the pandemic at home as well as the changes to daily school life, resulted in disruptive behaviour issues.

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