Best Practice

Some quick workload reduction ideas for your school

Publish Date: Updated Date: Workload Recruitment & Retention Senior leadership
Teacher workload continues to drive record numbers to quit the chalkface. We need government action, but what can schools do in the meantime to help ease the burden for staff? Helen Osgood advises
Image: Adobe Stock

Last year, a record number of teachers – 44,000 – left the profession, with an increasing number leaving for reasons other than retirement (DfE, 2023; see also Headteacher Update 2023a).

Workload is undoubtedly the biggest reason teachers leave. A TeacherTapp survey in November (2023a) concluded that: “For those actively considering leaving teaching, the changes needed to retain them primarily relate to workload and remuneration. Workload reduction, notably in terms of hours, is the most common request.”

When asked what they were spending too much time on, 29% of teachers in the survey said there were too many data drops, while 27% said they spent too much time marking.

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