Best Practice

Taking on an acting headship in a time of crisis

As if becoming an acting headteacher is not enough of a challenge – what is it like when there is a global health pandemic? Suzanne O'Connell speaks to one newly acting headteacher about her experiences and her advice to others who find themselves in an acting role

When Clare Shaw (not her real name) was offered the opportunity to becoming acting headteacher, she had no idea that she was to take up the reins just before a national crisis unfolded. As her current headteacher moved to another position, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get experience in a school that she knew and loved.

"I had been thinking about headship and felt I was ready but hadn’t started applying," Ms Shaw explained. "When the opportunity arose, I was a little unsure at first but thought it was a fantastic chance to gain experience. I also thought it would be good for the school for someone who knew the staff and the children to step up in the absence of a permanent headteacher."

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