Best Practice

Top 10 tips for... Sociable lunch-times

Publish Date: Edit Date: School food Behaviour Whole-school issues Top 10 Tips
We all know how important eating together is – sitting around a table and having opportunity to chat is a valuable social experience. As part of our top 10 tips series, Suzanne O’Connell considers making lunch-times socialable, calm, and harmonious


1, Organisational factors

Your physical environment, multi-use of rooms and buildings, number of children, and the logistics of getting them through lunch-time will dictate much of what you do. However, do check that there aren’t other options available to you that might bring benefits.

“We’ve always done it this way” is no rationale for the choices you make and although it can be difficult to instigate change, it can be worth it in the long run. Ask yourself and your staff:

During Covid schools operated lunch-times where eating took place in class groups and “bubbles” rather than in the dining room. Some schools have continued to use this system, finding it an easier way of delivering a calmer lunch.

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