
Breakfast clubs: Schools report impact on behaviour, concentration and social skills

Behaviour, eating habits, attainment, parental engagement – the positive impact of school breakfast clubs for children from low-income families has been spelt out in new research.

National School Breakfast Programme 2018-2021

The evaluation has been published by Family Action and Magic Breakfast, which delivered the government’s National School Breakfast Programme between 2018 and 2021.

The evaluation (2021) finds that the schools who hosted breakfast clubs reported that the provision had supported improvement across key areas, including:

The schools also reported a 28 per cent reduction in late marks across a term and a 24 per cent reduction in behaviour incidents among pupils attending the clubs.

The programme launched in 2018 and at its peak was supporting 375,000 pupils a day, with as many as 2,400 schools involved. Of the schools in the report, 1,391 were primary and 293 were secondary.

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