
Heads despair at more 'dawn raids' by Ofsted

Inspection advice
Ofsted rolls-out new no-notice behaviour inspections this week. The inspectorate will use Parent View complaints to target schools and those deemed to be struggling face having their full inspections brought forward. Pete Henshaw reports

Ofsted has this week begun a rolling programme of no-notice behaviour inspections.

The unannounced one-day inspections are to take place in schools where parents have voiced fears about the standards of behaviour or where previous inspections show behaviour is giving “cause for concern”.

Schools found to have continuing problems with behaviour face having their full Ofsted inspection brought forward.

However, school leaders this week said the last thing they needed was more “dawn raids”, especially when so many current inspections contain “basic mistakes”.

They also emphasised that behaviour was found to be good or better in 92 per cent of schools at their last inspection and that Ofsted only received 30 complaints from parents last year that qualified for further investigation.

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