
Ofsted calls time on ‘satisfactory’ grading

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice
Ofsted has scrapped its “satisfactory" judgement and replaced it with the term “requires improvement".

Ofsted has scrapped its “satisfactory" judgement and replaced it with the term “requires improvement".

The inspectorate has said that the change is to target “coasting" schools which have remained “stubbornly satisfactory" for a number of inspections in a row.

However, headteachers have attacked Ofsted for announcing the changes without consultation and within two weeks of the introduction of a new inspection framework.

Under the new approach, no school will be allowed to remain in the “requires improvement" category for more than three years. Schools in this category will also be subject to earlier re-inspections – within 12 to 18 months instead of up to three years at the moment. Schools failing to demonstrate improvements will then require special measures.

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