
Schools face new online requirements

Governance and management
Schools are required to publish key pieces of information and data online from this month. Revised regulations came into force on September 1 that scrap the requirement for schools to publish its prospectus annually and instead set out new online requirements. Schools must now publish online:

Schools are required to publish key pieces of information and data online from this month. Revised regulations came into force on September 1 that scrap the requirement for schools to publish its prospectus annually and instead set out new online requirements. Schools must now publish online:

- Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment.

- Curriculum provision, content and approach by year and subject.

- Admission arrangements.

- Its policy in relation to behaviour, charging, and SEN and disability provision.

- Links to Ofsted reports and performance data.

- Its latest key stage 4 attainment and progress measures.

Also scrapped under the revised School Information Regulations is the requirement for schools to have a curriculum policy.

For the Pupil Premium, schools must publish details of its allocation and plans to spend it. For previous years, schools should publish “a statement of how the money was spent and the impact that it had".

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