This episode considers what effective middle leadership looks like in the primary school, including subject leadership, handling Ofsted's subject deep dives, and strategic middle leadership.

Our experts consider some tenets of effective practice as well as the traits of effective middle leaders and how we can support our staff to develop these skills.

We focus especially on subject leadership, including and how middle leaders can ensure they are ready for the Ofsted subject deep dives and how schools can support this work and empower their subject leaders.

We ask what strategic middle leadership looks like and how it can be developed, with examples of good practices and initiatives.

And we discuss how we can support middle leaders to have those difficult conversations, give purposeful feedback, and navitgate challenging situations.

As ever, our host is Helen Frostick, a National Leader of Education and semi-retired primary school headteacher and her guests this time are:

  • Sophie Gosden, Headteacher, The Mill Primary Academy, Crawley, part of the Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT)
  • Tabitha Petrie is key stage 1 leader and early reading and science lead at Loughborough Primary School in south London

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For details about The Headteacher Update Podcast, or to suggest future topics, email editor Pete Henshaw at