
Reading fluency: Two free resources

Seven years of studying and research has gone into two resources aimed at supporting teachers in developing their pupils’ reading fluency.

The free resources have been published by Herts for Learning in conjunction with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

Herts for Learning has spent seven years investigating the research around reading fluency teaching strategies. Its work raised concerns about “an increasing number of pupils who are struggling to comprehend age-related texts in ways that would prepare them for the demands of the reading curriculum at secondary school”.

Herts for Learning states: “Despite having adequate decoding skills, when listening to them read, it was clear that fluency was lacking.”

This research has been translated into effective classroom practice and has led to the creation of two resources.

Reading Fluency Glossary: A tool for supporting pupils to develop fluency reading capabilities including two specific strategies – Guided Oral Reading and Repeated Reading (which is when pupils re-read a short and meaningful passage a set number of times or until they reach a suitable level of fluency). The tool is aimed for sharing with teachers to ensure there is an agreed understanding of the key terminology used when focusing on reading fluency.

Reading Fluency Misconceptions: This tool tackles misconceptions about what reading fluency is and isn’t and outlines eight common myths associated with reading fluency instruction. The resource supports schools to reflect upon the strategies and approaches they are using.

Commenting on reading fluency, Penny Slater, the education development lead at Herts for Learning said: “For many children who have jumped through the first statutory imposed hoop of reading skill acquisition – the phonics screening check – yet stumbled when faced with subsequent hoops – the reading SATs – a lack of fluency is often the barrier.”