
Meet Ofsted requirements for online safety

The digital revolution is having a profound effect on us, and on our children. We’re constantly bombarded with new research about how screen time can bring down GCSE grades, how gaming can affect social skills, and how overexposure to certain websites could be damaging young people’s mental health.

Internet safety can be a minefield of ever-changing dos and don’ts. New technology appears suddenly, often without the relevant guidelines to ensure children use it safely. It’s understandably tricky to make sure your school is up-to-date on this vast range of digital issues.

Digital Schools membership, from Parent Zone, will help your school tackle the challenge of maximising online opportunity for your pupils while minimising the risks to their safety and wellbeing.

As a member, you will receive a full set of school policies and self-review tools to meet Ofsted or ISI requirements, plus access to an on-call dedicated e-Safety support manager who can personally advise you on any questions or problems that arise within your school.

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