Best Practice

Waiting for Ofsted

Inspection preparation is now big business in education and a key priority for school leaders. But get it wrong and it can leave staff scared not prepared. Headteacher Update looks at how schools prepare for inspection and offers some vital tips.

Stephanie Day is a young teacher in her second year of teaching. Her school was “satisfactory” at their last inspection and they are expecting a visit any time now.

Every day before the end of last term, rather than channelling her energy into the Christmas play and enjoying the start of her teaching career, she was waiting for Ofsted.

“We’ve been told that they’re bound to inspect all the satisfactory schools in our area over the next couple of months,” Ms Day explained. “Until Wednesday lunchtime every week we’re waiting for the phone call. I just want to get it over with.” 

Her school has been living in anticipation for almost a year now. 

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