Best Practice

‘Attitudes’: What exactly will Ofsted look for?

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice Inspection updates
From this term, Ofsted will be reporting on both the ‘behaviour’ and ‘attitudes’ of a school’s pupils as one of the four judgements within the new Education Inspection Framework. In a move designed to emphasise the importance of how pupils approach their learning and life in school, do we really know enough about attitudes and how they are formed to inspect them? Suzanne O’Connell takes a look...

When Ofsted unveiled its new Education Inspection Framework (2019, it came as no surprise that the judgement combining personal development, behaviour and welfare was to be split. This judgement was responsible for covering a huge range of very important subjects. Under the heading, inspectors reported on attendance and punctuality, showing respect, discussion and debate, careers guidance, valuing education, bullying, pupil safety, keeping healthy, and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

That both behaviour and personal development deserved a judgement of their own was evident. What perhaps came a little out of the blue was the inclusion of “attitudes” alongside “behaviour”. Attitudes of learners had received a mention as part of the old “personal development, behaviour and welfare” judgement but was only one of a number of factors referred to. In the new framework it has its share of a judgement all to itself.

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