Best Practice

Baseline Assessment: Where it will end?

Publish Date: Edit Date: SATs Performance tables Case studies (assessment) Government policy
Despite past failures, the DfE is still convinced that the best measure for pupil progress must begin in Reception. But with a long implementation timeframe, fierce opposition and unions threatening to boycott, the story is not finished...

The government remains determined to introduce a Reception Baseline Assessment. School standards minster Nick Gibb announced in April that the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) has been given the task of designing and delivering the new assessment.

The Department for Education (DfE) claims that “pupils will not have to prepare for (the test), either at home or in school”. They say it will be a fairer measure as it begins from when children first enter school rather than waiting until the end of key stage 1; teachers in year 2 will be relieved to see the back of SATs, but Reception staff may not feel so optimistic.

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