Best Practice

Behaviour: Connection not disconnection

Continuing her regular look at therapeutic teaching approaches, Shahana Knight discusses why traditional methods of behaviour management, based on disconnection and rejection, will not yield lasting results. She looks at some alternative approaches which help pupils to manage their difficult feelings

How you approach the behaviour of the children in your school will have a direct impact on their development as young people.

In primary school, you play a large part in guiding and forming your pupils – you teach them much more than just the curriculum, you influence their self-belief, self-concept and internal compass; you help them to understand who they are. This happens whether you mean to or not.

Challenging behaviour has always been something that schools struggle with and is often an area where new teachers have very little guidance.

Often teachers feel overwhelmed and out of their depth when faced with a consistent difficult behaviour and can find themselves resorting to raising their voices or punishments.

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