Best Practice

Best practice: Spending the Sport Premium

Publish Date: Edit Date: PE and sport Government policy
Making good use of the PE and Sport Premium is a key challenge for England’s primary schools – especially as it looks like the funding will be around for some years yet. Suzanne O’Connell looks at new research into the best practices that are emerging

PE and Sport Premium funding has been a government initiative that primary schools have embraced, and following Department for Education (DfE) announcements it looks as though it might be around until 2020.

A DfE-commissioned study into sports funding, The PE and Sport Premium: An investigation in primary schools, was intended to cast light on how primary schools in England were spending the money, what the decision-making process was, and what the impact had been. The final report overall presents a positive picture.

The conclusion from the headteachers surveyed was that the funding has made a difference. While debate continues about the effectiveness of the Pupil Premium, the ring-fenced money of the Sport Premium has enabled schools to pump up an area that was in danger of being neglected.

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