
Spending the PE and sport premium effectively

Publish Date: Edit Date: PE and sport Interventions Pupil Premium initiatives
A series of webinars is being hosted to help schools meet new targets for PE provision and to use the PE and Sport Premium effectively.

The free best practice webinars are being hosted by the Youth Sport Trust and come after the Department for Education recently renewed the PE and Sport Premium funding for the next two years.

The DfE has committed £600m over the next two years. There are also new requirements to ensure schools offer equal access to sports for boys and girls and schools will be expected to deliver a minimum two hours a week of curriculum PE.

More details on these policies will come with a forthcoming refresh of the 2019 School sport and activity action plan.

Primary schools currently receive the PE and Sport Premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, with most schools getting £16,000 as well as an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

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