Best Practice

CPD: Books on the balcony...

Publish Date: Edit Date: CPD
School leaders can find inspiration and solutions if they build reading for professional development into their schedules, says Yvonne Gandy

Harvard school leadership experts Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky coined a vivid metaphor that summed up the power of reflection time for school leaders: “Getting off the dance floor and going to the balcony.” This perfectly described how a school leader can step back to gain perspective, while still staying close and being tuned in to their leadership role.

In their 2002 book, Leadership on the Line (Harvard Business Review Press), they wrote about how achieving this balcony perspective meant taking yourself out of the dance, in your mind, if only for a moment, adding: “The only way you can gain both a clearer view of reality and some perspective on the bigger picture is by distancing yourself from the fray.”

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