Best Practice

Curriculum design: Impact, impact, impact...

Publish Date: Edit Date: SATs Transition Curriculum
As part of Ofsted’s focus on curriculum impact, evaluating the pace of pupil progress, pupil outcomes, and their preparedness for next steps is vital, as is ‘performance development’. Matt Bromley explains

In September, I wrote a two-part article on the subject of curriculum impact (Bromley, 2020a; 2020b). In those pieces, I argued that test and qualification outcomes are no longer the sole lens through which a school’s “impact” should be viewed.

I argued that the purpose of education is not solely to get pupils qualifications, though these are clearly important; but rather to genuinely prepare pupils for what comes next – be that the next stage of their education, employment or life.

In practice, this means that schools need to provide for a pupil’s broader development, enabling them to discover and develop their interests and talents. It means that our school curriculum needs to develop pupils’ character including their resilience, confidence and independence, and help them keep physically and mentally healthy.

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