Best Practice

Data: Making the most of your SEF

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice School improvement
Matt Evered looks at how schools can use data from the published performance tables to support self-evaluation and more

Whatever your school’s circumstances, it is fair to say that the performance tables are a recognised point of contention: how, for example, can they fairly demonstrate a school’s work to parents and the wider public in light of on-going changes to assessment and accountability? But can schools also turn the tables to their advantage?

I have seen many examples of schools putting performance table data to good use within self-evaluation processes. Taken in context and used carefully, the published data can paint a helpful picture of what a school has been doing well and where it can improve, from the more obvious headlines to the finer points of pupil characteristics and progress over time. Here are answers to five common questions to help you get the most out of the published data for your school.

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