Best Practice

LGBT+ teaching within relationships education

If a child is not too young to learn about heterosexual relationships, they are not too young to learn about same-sex relationships. Emma Fay from charity Just Like Us advises on how we can ensure relationships education is LGBT-inclusive

A child is never too young to learn that LGBT+ people exist, and that we should all value and respect diversity – including that of sexual orientation and gender identity.

If you are reading this article, it is likely that you agree with me on that point, and it is something I believe strongly: as a parent, a former teacher, and as director of education for the charity Just Like Us.

However, the Department for Education (DfE) has at times been less clear on this point, stating in its various training modules published to support the RSHE curriculum that: “Primary schools are enabled and encouraged to cover LGBT content if they consider it age-appropriate to do so.” (DfE, 2020).

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