Best Practice

Maths: Recall of addition/subtraction facts at key stage 1

A year ago, Ofsted’s mathematics subject review warned that the poor recall of addition and subtraction facts at key stage 1 could be holding back learners. Ben Harding offers an eight-point self-evaluation checklist for teachers
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In July last year, Ofsted published its report into maths teaching – Coordinating mathematical success (2023). More than a year on and it is perhaps time for schools to revisit the key recommendations, self-evaluating the impact of their response.

There were some vital threads for primary schools to follow in the report. One of the main themes for school leaders to consider was the focus given to “declarative knowledge”.

At primary level “declarative knowledge” mainly refers to the instant recall of number facts. While Ofsted offered some praise for the raised profile of times tables facts, the report shone a spotlight on the instant recall of addition/subtraction facts at key stage 1, and the role that reception year plays in laying the foundations for such recall.

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