Best Practice

Staff wellbeing: Regard, dialogue and feedback

Publish Date: Edit Date: CPD Staff wellbeing
Personal and professional regard, dialogue and feedback – what approaches can help staff during the testing months that lie ahead? Mark Burns advises on how we can invest in personal and professional regard to support our teaching staff

Conversations, over the last four months, with hundreds of teachers and leaders across the country have uncovered a huge diversity of experience during this lockdown period.

There has not been a uniform experience and some have really struggled. Drained by challenges linked to relationships, parenting and home-schooling, wrestling with unfamiliar online learning platforms, coping with family illness and, in some cases, bereavement too.

In addition, many teachers have said how much they miss the day-to-day interaction with colleagues and the learners themselves. One, who captured the mood well, reflected: “I’ve been left with all of the bits of teaching I dislike (the marking and preparation) and have lost the bit that brings me joy – the warmth of relationships and those eureka moments in lessons when learners get it.”

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