Best Practice

Telling the story: Ofsted's English subject report

Ofsted’s series of subject reviews continues with the report on English teaching. It praises aspects of subject delivery, but also has clear messages for English subject leaders and teachers. Suzanne O’Connell reports
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Ofsted’s English report builds on its English research review published back in 2022 and includes findings from 50 schools across the country. The research reviews collated evidence about high-quality education in each subject. The subject reports reflect on what inspectors found happening in schools, set against the background of this evidence.

There are common themes emerging from the subject reports (eight have been published so far). One is the importance of establishing firm foundations or “building blocks” before attempting more complex tasks. In the case of English, the report states that pupils are being expected to complete complex written tasks before they are confident in the knowledge and skills that they need for these.

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