Best Practice

Three major challenges for 2018

Publish Date: Edit Date: Inspection advice Governance and management School finance Whole-school issues
As the new year begins, what changes do you need to prepare for? Richard Skipper discusses three major challenges waiting for us in 2018

It can be difficult to look to the long term when you’re so busy with the demands of the here and now. There are only so many emails you can read each day, which means that keeping one eye on the policy horizon isn’t easy for even the best multi-taskers. Here are three important changes to look out for in the year ahead.

The transition period begins: for the next couple of years at least, a “soft” version of the final National Funding Formula (1) will hopefully help schools to manage the transition to the new arrangements. From April 2018, the new formula will be used to calculate each school’s notional budget, and this will be aggregated to give the total schools block budget for each local authority. Your local authority will continue to apply its own local formula for the time being, then distribute its block allocation to schools.

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