Lunch supervisors, cleaning staff, the admin team – there are many people whose day-to-day work keeps your primary school running smoothly. Suzanne O’Connell offers 10 tips for making sure you show appreciation for your support staff

Without efficiently maintained premises, organised catering arrangements and a supportive office – the job of educating children becomes much, much harder. However, it is not always easy to bring these members of staff the recognition they deserve. Here are some suggestions…


1, Be clear – who are they?

Take time with your senior leadership team to identify each of the groups who carry out supportive roles within your school. Who is responsible for them? How do you communicate with them? What are the strengths and weaknesses in the current ways that you work? Consider how each group is special and what makes them tick. Allocate some staff meeting time to raise some of the issues they face and consider how your teaching staff can help them in their roles.

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